Menu – Classic sourdough bread

經典鄉村 Country bread

The classic sourdough. Simple ingredients allow the flavor of Taiwan flour to shine through.

全麥 Whole wheat

For those seeking a more sour flavor, meet our whole wheat sourdough. 70% by weight of whole wheat flour increases the fermentation potential, and that potential is actualized in the form of not just sourness, but also a deep, earthy sweetness. This is sourdough turned to 11.

白皇后 La reine blanche

只含台灣白麵粉,無全麥。80% 的含水量,讓麵包組織更有彈性及嚼勁,並保有淡雅的微酸。
Only pure Taiwan white flour, no whole wheat. Strong, high-protein flour allows us to push the hydration up to 80%, producing a chewy crumb with a luscious finish. The sourness is less prominent in this bread, giving the flour space to really shine through.